Community Benefits Pathways

Recognizing past inequities and the ongoing harms that fossil fuels have inflicted upon many of our communities, ARCHES is committed to ensuring a just and equitable transition to renewable hydrogen energy in California.
The Community Benefits Pathways document was submitted as part of the ARCHES application to the DOE to become a DOE H2Hub.
We have renamed this “community benefits plan” (so-named by the H2Hub Funding Opportunity Announcement) to the ARCHES Community Benefits Pathways to better demonstrate that 1) we recognize that this document is a living document and will change throughout the lifetime of the project to reflect the H2Hub’s on-the-ground experience and feedback received from local communities and 2) there are many different forms of community benefits and community engagement.
ARCHES is state-wide and the types of projects in each community and what the local community desires by way of engagement benefits might differ from one location to the next. Rather, this Pathways document is meant to serve as a framework to aid ARCHES as it delivers on this important aspect of our H2Hub program.
We welcome all feedback on this document. Please email any feedback or questions to: community.engagement@archesH2. org